quinta-feira, setembro 27, 2007

Cultura Europeia - dados do Eurobarómetro sobre cultura

O Eurobarómetro revela dados de um inquérito realizado na Primavera de 2007 a 26 000 cidadãos europeus sobre cultura. Eis alguns dos resultados do inquérito:

• A very large proportion of Europeans (89%) perceive a greater need for 'culture' to be promoted at EU-level;

• Similarly, 88% feel that cultural exchanges are important, and they call on the European Union to facilitate cultural exchanges for Europeans, and so promote intercultural dialogue;

• 77% of Europeans feel that culture is important in their lives;

• 76% of the respondents consider that Europe's cultural diversity is the defining characteristic of Europe, and that this diversity actually helps to increase the impact of European culture;

• 67% of Europeans consider that when compared with other continents, the European countries have a lot of cultural aspects in common;

• 58% of respondents were positive about the effects of globalisation on European culture, saying that it will give new dynamism to European culture, thereby extending the influence of Europe in the world;»
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